Plots for KeyCLIM WP6
Zonal-mean T: historical
Zonal-mean T: ssps
TREFHT: historical, world map
TREFHT: ssps, world map
Zonal-mean U: historical
Zonal-mean U: ssps
U250: historical, world map
U250: historical, NH map
U250: ssps, world map
U250: ssps, NH map
Storm tracks
Bandpass-filtered Z500: historical, world map
Bandpass-filtered Z500: historical, NH map
Bandpass-filtered Z500: ssps, world map
Bandpass-filtered Z500: ssps, NH map
Atmospheric plots, world + Arctic map
Potential temperature, world + Arctic map
Salinity, world + Arctic map
Surface downward CO2 flux, world + Arctic map
Primary organic carbon production, world + Arctic map
Time series
TREFHT: global and Arctic mean
TS: global and Arctic mean
PRECT: global and Arctic mean
RESTOA: global and Arctic mean