Storm-track activity (BP Z500)
The storm-track activity is represented in terms of the sub-weekly
fluctuations in the geopotential height field at 500 hPa (Z500). The
Z500 field was bandpass (BP) filtered retaining frequencies corresponding
to 2.5-6 days and the plots show the standard deviation of the
bandpass-filtered field.
DJF (column 1), MAM (column 2), JJA (column 3), SON (column 4)
CMIP6 ssp585
ssp585 (2071-2100) - historical (1985-2014)
KeyCLIM ssp585-cloud
ssp585-cloud (2071-2100) - hist-cloud (1985-2014)
ssp585-cloud (2071-2100) - ssp585 (2071-2100)
KeyCLIM ssp370-cloud2
ssp370-cloud2 (2071-2100) - hist-cloud2 (1985-2014)
ssp370-cloud2 (2071-2100) - ssp370 (2071-2100)
KeyCLIM ssp585-cloud2
ssp585-cloud2 (2071-2100) - hist-cloud2 (1985-2014)
ssp585-cloud2 (2071-2100) - ssp585 (2071-2100)
KeyCLIM ssp585-snow
ssp585-snow (2071-2100) - hist-snow (1985-2014)
ssp585-snow (2071-2100) - ssp585 (2071-2100)
KeyCLIM ssp585-iceSheet
ssp585-iceSheet (2071-2100) - hist-iceSheet (1985-2014)
ssp585-iceSheet (2071-2100) - ssp585 (2071-2100)
KeyCLIM ssp585-iceSheet (vs. hist-iceSheet2)
ssp585-iceSheet (2071-2100) - hist-iceSheet2 (1985-2014)
KeyCLIM ssp585-iceSheet3
ssp585-iceSheet3 (2071-2100) - hist-iceSheet3 (1985-2014)
ssp585-iceSheet3 (2071-2100) - ssp585 (2071-2100)
KeyCLIM ssp370-piAerOxid
ssp370-piAerOxid (2071-2100) - hist-piAerOxid (1985-2014)
ssp370-piAerOxid (2071-2100) - ssp370 (2071-2100)