NorESM User Workshop, 27th, November 2023

The NorESM Diagnostic Tool Package

Yanchun He
Nansen Environment and Remote Sensing Center
27 November, 2023

NorESM User Workshop, 27th, November 2023

NorESM Diagnostic Package:

... is a NorESM model evaluation tool written with a set of scripts and utilities (bash, NCL, NCO, CDO etc) to provide a general evaluation and quick preview of the model performance with only one command line.

Components of the package:

The diagnostic tool package consists atmospheric/land components based on the NCAR package.

  • CAM_DIAG: (NCAR's AMWG Diagnostics Package)
  • CLM_DIAG: (CESM Land Model Diagnostics Package)
  • CICE_DIAG: snow/sea ice volume/area
  • HAMOCC_DIAG: time series, climaotology, zonal mean, regional mean
  • BLOM_DIAG: time series, climatologies, zonal mean, fluxes, etc
  • CISM_DIAG: time series, climatologies, etc
NorESM User Workshop, 27th, November 2023

NorESM Diagnostic Package (cont.)

It has a one-line command interface, and is simple-to-use.

# run this wraper script without parameters shows basic usage
$ diag_run
Version: 2.1
Short description:
A wrapper script for NorESM diagnostic packages.

Basic usage:
# model-obs diagnostics
$ diag_run -m [model] -c  [test case name] -s  [test case start yr] -e  [test case end yr]

# model1-model2 diagnostics
$ diag_run -m [model] -c  [test case name] -s  [test case start yr] -e  [test case end yr]
                      -c2 [cntl case name] -s2 [cntl case start yr] -e2 [cntl case end yr]

Two types of analysis:

  • Compare model with observations
  • Compare model with control (another simulation)
NorESM User Workshop, 27th, November 2023

Two types of analysis

1. Compare model with observations

$ diag_run --model=cam,cice,blom \ 
--case=CASENAME \ 
--start_year=51 \ 
--end_year=100 \ 
--input-dir=/PATH/TO/MODEL/FOLDER \ 
--output-dir=/PATH/TO/OUTPUT/DATA \ 

# or its short version
$ diag_run -m cam,cice,blom \
  -s 51 -e 100 \
2m Air temperature Sea surface temperature
NorESM User Workshop, 27th, November 2023

2. Compare model with control (another simulation)

Sample plots: Historical simulation of atmosphere compared to PI control

$ diag_run --model=cam,cice,blom \ 
--case1=CASENAME1 \
--start_year1=51 \
--end_year1=100 \
--input-dir1=/PATH/TO/MODEL/FOLDER1 \
--case2=CASENAME2 \
--start_year2=2 \
--end_year2=50 \
--input-dir2=/PATH/TO/MODEL/FOLDER2 \
--output-dir=/PATH/TO/OUTPUT/DATA \

# or its short version
$ diag_run -m cam,cice,blom \
 -c1 CASENAME1 -s1 51 -e1 100 -i1 /PATH/TO/MODEL/FOLDER1 \
 -c2 CASENAME2 -s2 1  -e2 50  -i2 /PATH/TO/MODEL/FOLDER2 \
2m Air temperature Sea surface temperature
NorESM User Workshop, 27th, November 2023

Sets of diagnostics

Atmospheric diagnostics (example plots) Ocean diagnostics(Example plots) Biogeochemistry diagnostics (Example plots)
NorESM User Workshop, 27th, November 2023

Sets of diagnostics (cont.)

Land diagnostics (example plots) Sea ice diagnostics (Example plots)
NorESM User Workshop, 27th, November 2023

Browse plots online, while you enjoy the peace ☕ 🍵

  • shared diagnostics are stored under commom/
  • personal diagnostics are store under $username/


If you don't have access to the NS2345K project, you have to specify another directory to write your webpage output by -w option.
You can then make a tarball (tar -cvzf casenme.tar.gz /path/to/the/weboutput)
And download to your local computer to view with your browser.

NorESM User Workshop, 27th, November 2023

NorESM Diagnostic Package (cont.)

Code structure

code structure code languages

NorESM User Workshop, 27th, November 2023


Where is it?

Do NOT directly modify these installations

Find the full doocumentation:

NorESM User Workshop, 27th, November 2023

Hands-on exercise:

NorESM User Workshop, 27th, November 2023

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