!=============================================================================== ! SVN $Id: shr_flux_mod.F90 19407 2009-11-13 19:36:31Z tcraig $ ! SVN $URL: https://svn-ccsm-models.cgd.ucar.edu/csm_share/branch_tags/ccsm4_0_rel_tags/ccsm4_0_rel_02_share3_100228/shr/shr_flux_mod.F90 $ !=============================================================================== !BOP =========================================================================== ! ! !MODULE: flux_mod -- CCSM shared flux calculations. ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! CCSM shared flux calculations. ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 2006-Nov-07 - B. Kauffman - first version, code taken/migrated from cpl6 ! ! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------ module shr_flux_mod ! !USES: use shr_kind_mod ! shared kinds use shr_const_mod ! shared constants use shr_sys_mod ! shared system routines use shr_log_mod, only: s_loglev => shr_log_Level use shr_log_mod, only: s_logunit => shr_log_Unit implicit none private ! default private ! !PUBLIC TYPES: ! none ! !PUBLIC MEMBER FUNCTIONS: public :: shr_flux_atmOcn ! computes atm/ocn fluxes public :: shr_flux_atmIce ! computes atm/ice fluxes public :: shr_flux_MOstability ! boundary layer stability scales/functions ! !PUBLIC DATA MEMBERS: integer(SHR_KIND_IN),parameter,public :: shr_flux_MOwScales = 1 ! w scales option integer(SHR_KIND_IN),parameter,public :: shr_flux_MOfunctions = 2 ! functions option real (SHR_KIND_R8),parameter,public :: shr_flux_MOgammaM = 3.59_SHR_KIND_R8 real (SHR_KIND_R8),parameter,public :: shr_flux_MOgammaS = 7.86_SHR_KIND_R8 !EOP !--- rename kinds for local readability only --- integer,parameter :: R8 = SHR_KIND_R8 ! 8 byte real integer,parameter :: IN = SHR_KIND_IN ! native/default integer integer,parameter :: debug = 0 ! internal debug level !=============================================================================== contains !=============================================================================== !=============================================================================== ! !BOP ========================================================================= ! ! !IROUTINE: shr_flux_atmOcn -- internal atm/ocn flux calculation ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! Internal atm/ocn flux calculation ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 2002-Jun-10 - B. Kauffman - code migrated from cpl5 to cpl6 ! 2003-Apr-02 - B. Kauffman - taux & tauy now utilize ocn velocity ! 2003-Apr-02 - B. Kauffman - tref,qref,duu10n mods as per Bill Large ! 2006-Nov-07 - B. Kauffman - code migrated from cpl6 to share ! ! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------ SUBROUTINE shr_flux_atmOcn(nMax ,zbot ,ubot ,vbot ,thbot , & & qbot ,rbot ,tbot ,us ,vs , & & ts ,mask ,sen ,lat ,lwup , & & evap ,taux ,tauy ,tref ,qref , & & duu10n, ustar_sv ,re_sv ,ssq_sv ) ! !USES: implicit none ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: !--- input arguments -------------------------------- integer(IN),intent(in) :: nMax ! data vector length integer(IN),intent(in) :: mask (nMax) ! ocn domain mask 0 <=> out of domain real(R8) ,intent(in) :: zbot (nMax) ! atm level height (m) real(R8) ,intent(in) :: ubot (nMax) ! atm u wind (m/s) real(R8) ,intent(in) :: vbot (nMax) ! atm v wind (m/s) real(R8) ,intent(in) :: thbot(nMax) ! atm potential T (K) real(R8) ,intent(in) :: qbot (nMax) ! atm specific humidity (kg/kg) real(R8) ,intent(in) :: rbot (nMax) ! atm air density (kg/m^3) real(R8) ,intent(in) :: tbot (nMax) ! atm T (K) real(R8) ,intent(in) :: us (nMax) ! ocn u-velocity (m/s) real(R8) ,intent(in) :: vs (nMax) ! ocn v-velocity (m/s) real(R8) ,intent(in) :: ts (nMax) ! ocn temperature (K) !--- output arguments ------------------------------- real(R8),intent(out) :: sen (nMax) ! heat flux: sensible (W/m^2) real(R8),intent(out) :: lat (nMax) ! heat flux: latent (W/m^2) real(R8),intent(out) :: lwup (nMax) ! heat flux: lw upward (W/m^2) real(R8),intent(out) :: evap (nMax) ! water flux: evap ((kg/s)/m^2) real(R8),intent(out) :: taux (nMax) ! surface stress, zonal (N) real(R8),intent(out) :: tauy (nMax) ! surface stress, maridional (N) real(R8),intent(out) :: tref (nMax) ! diag: 2m ref height T (K) real(R8),intent(out) :: qref (nMax) ! diag: 2m ref humidity (kg/kg) real(R8),intent(out) :: duu10n(nMax) ! diag: 10m wind speed squared (m/s)^2 real(R8),intent(out),optional :: ustar_sv(nMax) ! diag: ustar real(R8),intent(out),optional :: re_sv (nMax) ! diag: sqrt of exchange coefficient (water) real(R8),intent(out),optional :: ssq_sv (nMax) ! diag: sea surface humidity (kg/kg) ! !EOP !--- local constants -------------------------------- real(R8),parameter :: umin = 0.5_R8 ! minimum wind speed (m/s) real(R8),parameter :: zref = 10.0_R8 ! reference height (m) real(R8),parameter :: ztref = 2.0_R8 ! reference height for air T (m) !--- local variables -------------------------------- integer(IN) :: n ! vector loop index real(R8) :: vmag ! surface wind magnitude (m/s) real(R8) :: thvbot ! virtual temperature (K) real(R8) :: ssq ! sea surface humidity (kg/kg) real(R8) :: delt ! potential T difference (K) real(R8) :: delq ! humidity difference (kg/kg) real(R8) :: stable ! stability factor real(R8) :: rdn ! sqrt of neutral exchange coeff (momentum) real(R8) :: rhn ! sqrt of neutral exchange coeff (heat) real(R8) :: ren ! sqrt of neutral exchange coeff (water) real(R8) :: rd ! sqrt of exchange coefficient (momentum) real(R8) :: rh ! sqrt of exchange coefficient (heat) real(R8) :: re ! sqrt of exchange coefficient (water) real(R8) :: ustar ! ustar real(R8) :: qstar ! qstar real(R8) :: tstar ! tstar real(R8) :: hol ! H (at zbot) over L real(R8) :: xsq ! ? real(R8) :: xqq ! ? real(R8) :: psimh ! stability function at zbot (momentum) real(R8) :: psixh ! stability function at zbot (heat and water) real(R8) :: psix2 ! stability function at ztref reference height real(R8) :: alz ! ln(zbot/zref) real(R8) :: al2 ! ln(zref/ztref) real(R8) :: u10n ! 10m neutral wind real(R8) :: tau ! stress at zbot real(R8) :: cp ! specific heat of moist air real(R8) :: bn ! exchange coef funct for interpolation real(R8) :: bh ! exchange coef funct for interpolation real(R8) :: fac ! vertical interpolation factor !--- local functions -------------------------------- real(R8) :: qsat ! function: the saturation humididty of air (kg/m^3) real(R8) :: cdn ! function: neutral drag coeff at 10m real(R8) :: psimhu ! function: unstable part of psimh real(R8) :: psixhu ! function: unstable part of psimx real(R8) :: Umps ! dummy arg ~ wind velocity (m/s) real(R8) :: Tk ! dummy arg ~ temperature (K) real(R8) :: xd ! dummy arg ~ ? qsat(Tk) = 640380.0_R8 / exp(5107.4_R8/Tk) cdn(Umps) = 0.0027_R8 / Umps + 0.000142_R8 + 0.0000764_R8 * Umps psimhu(xd) = log((1.0_R8+xd*(2.0_R8+xd))*(1.0_R8+xd*xd)/8.0_R8) - 2.0_R8*atan(xd) + 1.571_R8 psixhu(xd) = 2.0_R8 * log((1.0_R8 + xd*xd)/2.0_R8) !--- formats ---------------------------------------- character(*),parameter :: subName = '(shr_flux_atmOcn) ' character(*),parameter :: F00 = "('(shr_flux_atmOcn) ',4a)" !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! PURPOSE: ! computes atm/ocn surface fluxes ! ! NOTES: ! o all fluxes are positive downward ! o net heat flux = net sw + lw up + lw down + sen + lat ! o here, tstar = /U*, and qstar = /U*. ! o wind speeds should all be above a minimum speed (eg. 1.0 m/s) ! ! ASSUMPTIONS: ! o Neutral 10m drag coeff: cdn = .0027/U10 + .000142 + .0000764 U10 ! o Neutral 10m stanton number: ctn = .0327 sqrt(cdn), unstable ! ctn = .0180 sqrt(cdn), stable ! o Neutral 10m dalton number: cen = .0346 sqrt(cdn) ! o The saturation humidity of air at T(K): qsat(T) (kg/m^3) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (debug > 0 .and. s_loglev > 0) write(s_logunit,F00) "enter" al2 = log(zref/ztref) DO n=1,nMax if (mask(n) /= 0) then !--- compute some needed quantities --- vmag = max(umin, sqrt( (ubot(n)-us(n))**2 + (vbot(n)-vs(n))**2) ) thvbot = thbot(n) * (1.0_R8 + shr_const_zvir * qbot(n)) ! virtual temp (K) ssq = 0.98_R8 * qsat(ts(n)) / rbot(n) ! sea surf hum (kg/kg) delt = thbot(n) - ts(n) ! pot temp diff (K) delq = qbot(n) - ssq ! spec hum dif (kg/kg) alz = log(zbot(n)/zref) cp = shr_const_cpdair*(1.0_R8 + shr_const_cpvir*ssq) !------------------------------------------------------------ ! first estimate of Z/L and ustar, tstar and qstar !------------------------------------------------------------ !--- neutral coefficients, z/L = 0.0 --- stable = 0.5_R8 + sign(0.5_R8 , delt) rdn = sqrt(cdn(vmag)) rhn = (1.0_R8-stable) * 0.0327_R8 + stable * 0.018_R8 ren = 0.0346_R8 !--- ustar, tstar, qstar --- ustar = rdn * vmag tstar = rhn * delt qstar = ren * delq !--- compute stability & evaluate all stability functions --- hol = shr_const_karman*shr_const_g*zbot(n)* & (tstar/thbot(n)+qstar/(1.0_R8/shr_const_zvir+qbot(n)))/ustar**2 hol = sign( min(abs(hol),10.0_R8), hol ) stable = 0.5_R8 + sign(0.5_R8 , hol) xsq = max(sqrt(abs(1.0_R8 - 16.0_R8*hol)) , 1.0_R8) xqq = sqrt(xsq) psimh = -5.0_R8*hol*stable + (1.0_R8-stable)*psimhu(xqq) psixh = -5.0_R8*hol*stable + (1.0_R8-stable)*psixhu(xqq) !--- shift wind speed using old coefficient --- rd = rdn / (1.0_R8 + rdn/shr_const_karman*(alz-psimh)) u10n = vmag * rd / rdn !--- update transfer coeffs at 10m and neutral stability --- rdn = sqrt(cdn(u10n)) ren = 0.0346_R8 rhn = (1.0_R8-stable)*0.0327_R8 + stable * 0.018_R8 !--- shift all coeffs to measurement height and stability --- rd = rdn / (1.0_R8 + rdn/shr_const_karman*(alz-psimh)) rh = rhn / (1.0_R8 + rhn/shr_const_karman*(alz-psixh)) re = ren / (1.0_R8 + ren/shr_const_karman*(alz-psixh)) !--- update ustar, tstar, qstar using updated, shifted coeffs -- ustar = rd * vmag tstar = rh * delt qstar = re * delq !------------------------------------------------------------ ! iterate to converge on Z/L, ustar, tstar and qstar !------------------------------------------------------------ !--- compute stability & evaluate all stability functions --- hol = shr_const_karman*shr_const_g*zbot(n)* & (tstar/thbot(n)+qstar/(1.0_R8/shr_const_zvir+qbot(n)))/ustar**2 hol = sign( min(abs(hol),10.0_R8), hol ) stable = 0.5_R8 + sign(0.5_R8 , hol) xsq = max(sqrt(abs(1.0_R8 - 16.0_R8*hol)) , 1.0_R8) xqq = sqrt(xsq) psimh = -5.0_R8*hol*stable + (1.0_R8-stable)*psimhu(xqq) psixh = -5.0_R8*hol*stable + (1.0_R8-stable)*psixhu(xqq) !--- shift wind speed using old coeffs --- rd = rdn / (1.0_R8 + rdn/shr_const_karman*(alz-psimh)) u10n = vmag * rd/rdn !--- update transfer coeffs at 10m and neutral stability --- rdn = sqrt(cdn(u10n)) ren = 0.0346_R8 rhn = (1.0_R8 - stable)*0.0327_R8 + stable * 0.018_R8 !--- shift all coeffs to measurement height and stability --- rd = rdn / (1.0_R8 + rdn/shr_const_karman*(alz-psimh)) rh = rhn / (1.0_R8 + rhn/shr_const_karman*(alz-psixh)) re = ren / (1.0_R8 + ren/shr_const_karman*(alz-psixh)) !--- update ustar, tstar, qstar using updated, shifted coeffs --- ustar = rd * vmag tstar = rh * delt qstar = re * delq !------------------------------------------------------------ ! compute the fluxes !------------------------------------------------------------ tau = rbot(n) * ustar * ustar !--- momentum flux --- taux(n) = tau * (ubot(n)-us(n)) / vmag tauy(n) = tau * (vbot(n)-vs(n)) / vmag !--- heat flux --- sen (n) = cp * tau * tstar / ustar lat (n) = shr_const_latvap * tau * qstar / ustar lwup(n) = -shr_const_stebol * ts(n)**4 !--- water flux --- evap(n) = lat(n)/shr_const_latvap !------------------------------------------------------------ ! compute diagnositcs: 2m ref T & Q, 10m wind speed squared !------------------------------------------------------------ hol = hol*ztref/zbot(n) xsq = max( 1.0_R8, sqrt(abs(1.0_R8-16.0_R8*hol)) ) xqq = sqrt(xsq) psix2 = -5.0_R8*hol*stable + (1.0_R8-stable)*psixhu(xqq) fac = (rh/shr_const_karman) * (alz + al2 - psixh + psix2 ) tref(n) = thbot(n) - delt*fac tref(n) = tref(n) - 0.01_R8*ztref ! pot temp to temp correction fac = (re/shr_const_karman) * (alz + al2 - psixh + psix2 ) qref(n) = qbot(n) - delq*fac duu10n(n) = u10n*u10n ! 10m wind speed squared !------------------------------------------------------------ ! optional diagnostics, needed for water tracer fluxes (dcn) !------------------------------------------------------------ if (present(ustar_sv)) ustar_sv(n) = ustar if (present(re_sv )) re_sv(n) = re if (present(ssq_sv )) ssq_sv(n) = ssq else !------------------------------------------------------------ ! no valid data here -- out of domain !------------------------------------------------------------ sen (n) = shr_const_spval ! sensible heat flux (W/m^2) lat (n) = shr_const_spval ! latent heat flux (W/m^2) lwup (n) = shr_const_spval ! long-wave upward heat flux (W/m^2) evap (n) = shr_const_spval ! evaporative water flux ((kg/s)/m^2) taux (n) = shr_const_spval ! x surface stress (N) tauy (n) = shr_const_spval ! y surface stress (N) tref (n) = shr_const_spval ! 2m reference height temperature (K) qref (n) = shr_const_spval ! 2m reference height humidity (kg/kg) duu10n(n) = shr_const_spval ! 10m wind speed squared (m/s)^2 if (present(ustar_sv)) ustar_sv(n) = shr_const_spval if (present(re_sv )) re_sv (n) = shr_const_spval if (present(ssq_sv )) ssq_sv (n) = shr_const_spval endif ENDDO END subroutine shr_flux_atmOcn !BOP =========================================================================== ! ! !IROUTINE: shr_flux_atmIce -- computes atm/ice fluxes ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! Computes atm/ice fluxes ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 2006-Jun-12 - B. Kauffman, first version, adapted from dice6 code ! ! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine shr_flux_atmIce(mask ,zbot ,ubot ,vbot ,thbot & & ,qbot ,rbot ,tbot ,ts ,sen & & ,lat ,lwup ,evap ,taux ,tauy & & ,tref ,qref ) implicit none ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: !--- input arguments -------------------------------- integer(IN),intent(in) :: mask (:) ! 0 <=> cell NOT in model domain real(R8) ,intent(in) :: zbot (:) ! atm level height (m) real(R8) ,intent(in) :: ubot (:) ! atm u wind (m/s) real(R8) ,intent(in) :: vbot (:) ! atm v wind (m/s) real(R8) ,intent(in) :: thbot(:) ! atm potential T (K) real(R8) ,intent(in) :: qbot (:) ! atm specific humidity (kg/kg) real(R8) ,intent(in) :: rbot (:) ! atm air density (kg/m^3) real(R8) ,intent(in) :: tbot (:) ! atm T (K) real(R8) ,intent(in) :: ts (:) ! surface temperature !--- output arguments ------------------------------- real(R8) ,intent(out) :: sen (:) ! sensible heat flux (W/m^2) real(R8) ,intent(out) :: lat (:) ! latent heat flux (W/m^2) real(R8) ,intent(out) :: lwup (:) ! long-wave upward heat flux (W/m^2) real(R8) ,intent(out) :: evap (:) ! evaporative water flux ((kg/s)/m^2) real(R8) ,intent(out) :: taux (:) ! x surface stress (N) real(R8) ,intent(out) :: tauy (:) ! y surface stress (N) real(R8) ,intent(out) :: tref (:) ! 2m reference height temperature real(R8) ,intent(out) :: qref (:) ! 2m reference height humidity !EOP !--- local constants -------------------------------- real(R8),parameter :: umin = 1.0_R8 ! minimum wind speed (m/s) real(R8),parameter :: zref = 10.0_R8 ! ref height ~ m real(R8),parameter :: ztref = 2.0_R8 ! ref height for air T ~ m real(R8),parameter :: spval = shr_const_spval ! special value real(R8),parameter :: g = shr_const_g ! gravity real(R8),parameter :: cpdair = shr_const_cpdair ! spec heat of dry air real(R8),parameter :: cpvir = shr_const_cpvir ! cpwv/cpdair - 1.0 real(R8),parameter :: zvir = shr_const_zvir ! rh2o/rair - 1.0 real(R8),parameter :: latvap = shr_const_latvap ! latent heat of evap real(R8),parameter :: latice = shr_const_latice ! latent heat of fusion real(R8),parameter :: stebol = shr_const_stebol ! Stefan-Boltzmann real(R8),parameter :: karman = shr_const_karman ! Von Karman constant real(R8),parameter :: zzsice = 0.0005_R8 ! ice surface roughness !--- local variables -------------------------------- integer(IN) :: lsize ! array dimensions integer(IN) :: n ! array indicies real(R8) :: vmag ! surface wind magnitude (m/s) real(R8) :: thvbot ! virtual temperature (K) real(R8) :: ssq ! sea surface humidity (kg/kg) real(R8) :: dssqdt ! derivative of ssq wrt Ts (kg/kg/K) real(R8) :: delt ! potential T difference (K) real(R8) :: delq ! humidity difference (kg/kg) real(R8) :: stable ! stability factor real(R8) :: rdn ! sqrt of neutral exchange coefficient (momentum) real(R8) :: rhn ! sqrt of neutral exchange coefficient (heat) real(R8) :: ren ! sqrt of neutral exchange coefficient (water) real(R8) :: rd ! sqrt of exchange coefficient (momentum) real(R8) :: rh ! sqrt of exchange coefficient (heat) real(R8) :: re ! sqrt of exchange coefficient (water) real(R8) :: ustar ! ustar real(R8) :: qstar ! qstar real(R8) :: tstar ! tstar real(R8) :: hol ! H (at zbot) over L real(R8) :: xsq ! temporary variable real(R8) :: xqq ! temporary variable real(R8) :: psimh ! stability function at zbot (momentum) real(R8) :: psixh ! stability function at zbot (heat and water) real(R8) :: alz ! ln(zbot/z10) real(R8) :: ltheat ! latent heat for surface real(R8) :: tau ! stress at zbot real(R8) :: cp ! specific heat of moist air real(R8) :: bn ! exchange coef funct for interpolation real(R8) :: bh ! exchange coef funct for interpolation real(R8) :: fac ! interpolation factor real(R8) :: ln0 ! log factor for interpolation real(R8) :: ln3 ! log factor for interpolation !--- local functions -------------------------------- real(R8) :: Tk ! temperature (K) real(R8) :: qsat ! the saturation humididty of air (kg/m^3) real(R8) :: dqsatdt ! derivivative of qsat wrt surface temperature real(R8) :: xd ! dummy argument real(R8) :: psimhu ! unstable part of psimh real(R8) :: psixhu ! unstable part of psimx qsat(Tk) = 627572.4_R8 / exp(5107.4_R8/Tk) dqsatdt(Tk) = (5107.4_R8 / Tk**2) * 627572.4_R8 / exp(5107.4_R8/Tk) psimhu(xd) = log((1.0_R8+xd*(2.0_R8+xd))*(1.0_R8+xd*xd)/8.0_R8) - 2.0_R8*atan(xd) + 1.571_R8 psixhu(xd) = 2.0_R8 * log((1.0_R8 + xd*xd)/2.0_R8) !--- formats ---------------------------------------- character(*),parameter :: subName = "(shr_flux_atmIce) " !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! PURPOSE: ! using atm & ice state variables, compute atm/ice fluxes ! and diagnostic 10m air temperature and humidity ! ! NOTE: ! o all fluxes are positive downward ! o net heat flux = net sw + lw up + lw down + sen + lat ! o here, tstar = /U*, and qstar = /U*. ! o wind speeds should all be above a minimum speed (eg. 1.0 m/s) ! ! ASSUME: ! o The saturation humidity of air at T(K): qsat(T) (kg/m^3) !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lsize = size(tbot) do n = 1,lsize if (mask(n) == 0) then sen (n) = spval lat (n) = spval lwup (n) = spval evap (n) = spval taux (n) = spval tauy (n) = spval tref (n) = spval qref (n) = spval else !--- define some needed variables --- vmag = max(umin, sqrt(ubot(n)**2+vbot(n)**2)) thvbot = thbot(n)*(1.0_R8 + zvir * qbot(n)) ! virtual pot temp (K) ssq = qsat (ts(n)) / rbot(n) ! sea surf hum (kg/kg) dssqdt = dqsatdt(ts(n)) / rbot(n) ! deriv of ssq wrt Ts delt = thbot(n) - ts(n) ! pot temp diff (K) delq = qbot(n) - ssq ! spec hum dif (kg/kg) alz = log(zbot(n)/zref) cp = cpdair*(1.0_R8 + cpvir*ssq) ltheat = latvap + latice !---------------------------------------------------------- ! first estimate of Z/L and ustar, tstar and qstar !---------------------------------------------------------- !--- neutral coefficients, z/L = 0.0 --- rdn = karman/log(zref/zzsice) rhn = rdn ren = rdn !--- ustar,tstar,qstar ---- ustar = rdn * vmag tstar = rhn * delt qstar = ren * delq !--- compute stability & evaluate all stability functions --- hol = karman * g * zbot(n) & & * (tstar/thvbot+qstar/(1.0_R8/zvir+qbot(n))) / ustar**2 hol = sign( min(abs(hol),10.0_R8), hol ) stable = 0.5_R8 + sign(0.5_R8 , hol) xsq = max(sqrt(abs(1.0_R8 - 16.0_R8*hol)) , 1.0_R8) xqq = sqrt(xsq) psimh = -5.0_R8*hol*stable + (1.0_R8-stable)*psimhu(xqq) psixh = -5.0_R8*hol*stable + (1.0_R8-stable)*psixhu(xqq) !--- shift all coeffs to measurement height and stability --- rd = rdn / (1.0_R8+rdn/karman*(alz-psimh)) rh = rhn / (1.0_R8+rhn/karman*(alz-psixh)) re = ren / (1.0_R8+ren/karman*(alz-psixh)) !--- update ustar, tstar, qstar w/ updated, shifted coeffs -- ustar = rd * vmag tstar = rh * delt qstar = re * delq !---------------------------------------------------------- ! iterate to converge on Z/L, ustar, tstar and qstar !---------------------------------------------------------- !--- compute stability & evaluate all stability functions --- hol = karman * g * zbot(n) & & * (tstar/thvbot+qstar/(1.0_R8/zvir+qbot(n))) / ustar**2 hol = sign( min(abs(hol),10.0_R8), hol ) stable = 0.5_R8 + sign(0.5_R8 , hol) xsq = max(sqrt(abs(1.0_R8 - 16.0_R8*hol)) , 1.0_R8) xqq = sqrt(xsq) psimh = -5.0_R8*hol*stable + (1.0_R8-stable)*psimhu(xqq) psixh = -5.0_R8*hol*stable + (1.0_R8-stable)*psixhu(xqq) !--- shift all coeffs to measurement height and stability --- rd = rdn / (1.0_R8+rdn/karman*(alz-psimh)) rh = rhn / (1.0_R8+rhn/karman*(alz-psixh)) re = ren / (1.0_R8+ren/karman*(alz-psixh)) !--- update ustar, tstar, qstar w/ updated, shifted coeffs -- ustar = rd * vmag tstar = rh * delt qstar = re * delq !---------------------------------------------------------- ! compute the fluxes !---------------------------------------------------------- tau = rbot(n) * ustar * ustar !--- momentum flux --- taux(n) = tau * ubot(n) / vmag tauy(n) = tau * vbot(n) / vmag !--- heat flux --- sen (n) = cp * tau * tstar / ustar lat (n) = ltheat * tau * qstar / ustar lwup(n) = -stebol * ts(n)**4 !--- water flux --- evap(n) = lat(n)/ltheat !---------------------------------------------------------- ! compute diagnostic: 2m reference height temperature !---------------------------------------------------------- !--- Compute function of exchange coefficients. Assume that !--- cn = rdn*rdn, cm=rd*rd and ch=rh*rd, and therefore !--- 1/sqrt(cn(n))=1/rdn and sqrt(cm(n))/ch(n)=1/rh bn = karman/rdn bh = karman/rh !--- Interpolation factor for stable and unstable cases ln0 = log(1.0_R8 + (ztref/zbot(n))*(exp(bn) - 1.0_R8)) ln3 = log(1.0_R8 + (ztref/zbot(n))*(exp(bn - bh) - 1.0_R8)) fac = (ln0 - ztref/zbot(n)*(bn - bh))/bh * stable & & + (ln0 - ln3)/bh * (1.0_R8-stable) fac = min(max(fac,0.0_R8),1.0_R8) !--- actual interpolation tref(n) = ts(n) + (tbot(n) - ts(n))*fac qref(n) = qbot(n) - delq*fac endif enddo end subroutine shr_flux_atmIce !=============================================================================== ! !BOP ========================================================================= ! ! !IROUTINE: shr_flux_MOstability -- Monin-Obukhov BL stability functions ! ! !DESCRIPTION: ! ! Monin-Obukhov boundary layer stability functions, two options: ! turbulent velocity scales or gradient and integral functions ! via option = shr_flux_MOwScales or shr_flux_MOfunctions ! ! !REVISION HISTORY: ! 2007-Sep-19 - B. Kauffman, Bill Large - first version ! ! !INTERFACE: ------------------------------------------------------------------ subroutine shr_flux_MOstability(option,arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5) ! !USES: implicit none ! !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS: integer(IN),intent(in) :: option ! shr_flux_MOwScales or MOfunctions real(R8) ,intent(in) :: arg1 ! scales: uStar (in) funct: zeta (in) real(R8) ,intent(inout) :: arg2 ! scales: zkB (in) funct: phim (out) real(R8) ,intent(out) :: arg3 ! scales: phim (out) funct: phis (out) real(R8) ,intent(out) :: arg4 ! scales: phis (out) funct: psim (out) real(R8) ,intent(out),optional :: arg5 ! scales: (unused) funct: psis (out) ! !EOP !----- local variables ----- real(R8) :: zeta ! z/L real(R8) :: uStar ! friction velocity real(R8) :: zkB ! (height)*(von Karman)*(surface bouyancy flux) real(R8) :: phim ! momentum gradient function or scale real(R8) :: phis ! temperature gradient function or scale real(R8) :: psim ! momentum integral function or scale real(R8) :: psis ! temperature integral function or scale real(R8) :: temp ! temporary-variable/partial calculation !----- local variables, stable case ----- real(R8),parameter :: uStarMin = 0.001_R8 ! lower bound on uStar real(R8),parameter :: a = 1.000_R8 ! constant from Holtslag & de Bruin, equation 12 real(R8),parameter :: b = 0.667_R8 ! constant from Holtslag & de Bruin, equation 12 real(R8),parameter :: c = 5.000_R8 ! constant from Holtslag & de Bruin, equation 12 real(R8),parameter :: d = 0.350_R8 ! constant from Holtslag & de Bruin, equation 12 !----- local variables, unstable case ----- real(R8),parameter :: a2 = 3.0_R8 ! constant from Wilson, equation 10 !----- formats ----- character(*),parameter :: subName = '(shr_flux_MOstability) ' character(*),parameter :: F00 = "('(shr_flux_MOstability) ',4a)" character(*),parameter :: F01 = "('(shr_flux_MOstability) ',a,i5)" !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ! Notes:: ! o this could be two routines, but are one to help keep them aligned ! o the stable calculation is taken from... ! A.A.M. HoltSlag and H.A.R. de Bruin, 1988: ! "Applied Modeling of the Nighttime Surface Energy Balance over Land", ! Journal of Applied Meteorology, Vol. 27, No. 6, June 1988, 659-704 ! o the unstable calculation is taken from... ! D. Keith Wilson, 2001: "An Alternative Function for the Wind and ! Temperature Gradients in Unstable Surface Layers", ! Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 99 (2001), 151-158 !------------------------------------------------------------------------------- !----- check for consistancy between option and arguments ------------------ if (debug > 1 .and. s_loglev > 0) then if (debug > 2) write(s_logunit,F01) "enter, option = ",option if ( option == shr_flux_MOwScales .and. present(arg5) ) then write(s_logunit,F01) "ERROR: option1 must have four arguments" call shr_sys_abort(subName//"option inconsistant with arguments") else if ( option == shr_flux_MOfunctions .and. .not. present(arg5) ) then write(s_logunit,F01) "ERROR: option2 must have five arguments" call shr_sys_abort(subName//"option inconsistant with arguments") else write(s_logunit,F01) "invalid option = ",option call shr_sys_abort(subName//"invalid option") end if end if !------ velocity scales option ---------------------------------------------- if (option == shr_flux_MOwScales) then !--- input --- uStar = arg1 zkB = arg2 if (zkB >= 0.0_R8) then ! ----- stable ----- zeta = zkB/(max(uStar,uStarMin)**3) temp = exp(-d*zeta) phim = uStar/(1.0_R8 + zeta*(a + b*(1.0_R8 + c - d*zeta)*temp)) phis = phim else ! ----- unstable ----- temp = (zkB*zkB)**(1.0_R8/a2) ! note: zkB < 0, zkB*zkB > 0 phim = sqrt(uStar**2 + shr_flux_MOgammaM*temp) phis = sqrt(uStar**2 + shr_flux_MOgammaS*temp) end if !--- output --- arg3 = phim arg4 = phis ! arg5 = !------ stability function option ------------------------------------------- else if (option == shr_flux_MOfunctions) then !--- input --- zeta = arg1 if (zeta >= 0.0_R8) then ! ----- stable ----- temp = exp(-d*zeta) phim = 1.0_R8 + zeta*(a + b*(1.0_R8 + c - d*zeta)*temp) phis = phim psim = -a*zeta - b*(zeta - c/d)*temp - b*c/d psis = psim else ! ----- unstable ---- temp = (zeta*zeta)**(1.0_R8/a2) ! note: zeta < 0, zeta*zeta > 0 phim = 1.0_R8/sqrt(1.0_R8 + shr_flux_MOgammaM*temp) phis = 1.0_R8/sqrt(1.0_R8 + shr_flux_MOgammaS*temp) psim = a2*log(0.5_R8 + 0.5_R8/phim) psis = a2*log(0.5_R8 + 0.5_R8/phis) end if !--- output --- arg2 = phim arg3 = phis arg4 = psim arg5 = psis !---------------------------------------------------------------------------- else write(s_logunit,F01) "invalid option = ",option call shr_sys_abort(subName//"invalid option") endif end subroutine shr_flux_MOstability !=============================================================================== !=============================================================================== end module shr_flux_mod