Model version I (left) vs. Model version II (right)
Presenting annual means (from monthly climatological means) from simulations with the following casenames:
ModII = B05NudgePD4
Both ModI is the last featureCAM5-OsloDevelopment_trunk2.0-6 set up with MG1.5, CLM4.5, and online DMS/POM,
with Moz gas deposition scheme, and using compset NUDGEPTAEROUPD1
while ModII is the beta05 master (=featureCESM2-OsloDevelopment) set up with MG2, CLM5, and online DMS/POM,
with Neu gas deposition scheme, and using compset NFAMIPNUDGEPTAEROCLB
ModI (year 2006-2010) is from ERA nudged simulations (UVPS)
ModII (year 2013-2015) is from ERA nudged simulations (UVPS)
ModI PD: CAM5.3-Oslo, 2000 emissions, 2 years spin-up, nudged to ERA (2006-2010)
ModI PI: CAM5.3-Oslo, 1850 emissions, 2 years spin-up, nudged to ERA (2006-2010)
ModII PD: CAM6-Oslo, 2000 emissions, 3 years spin-up, nudged to ERA (2013-2015)
ModII PI: CAM6-Oslo, 1850 emissions, 3 years spin-up, nudged to ERA (2013-2015)
Known bugs/shortcomings:
* (Condensation/coagulation sink is still function of dry size)
Pesent-day Mass budget numbers for ModI and ModII
(0) Mass budget numbers for model version I (old), II (new)
(0) Note: Values for DMS; SO2 and SO4 are given as Sulfur (S) values
(0) -------------------------------------------------------------
(0) SO2 total emissions (Tg/yr) = 65.032, 65.046
(0) SO2 total sources (Tg/yr) = 96.553, 92.739
(0) SO2 total sink (Tg/yr) = 96.450, 92.639
(0) SO2 burden (Tg) = 0.357, 0.389
(0) SO2 wet depostion (% of sinks) = 19.345, 26.073
(0) SO2 lifetime (d) = 1.351, 1.535
(0) SO2 chemical loss (%) = 58.200, 50.474
(0) SO2 pct of chem loss in clear air (%) = 25.015, 35.997
(0) -------------------------------------------------------------
(0) SO4 total emissions (Tg/yr) = 1.667, 1.667
(0) SO4 total sources (Tg/yr) = 57.839, 48.146
(0) SO4 total sink (Tg/yr) = 57.591, 47.738
(0) SO4 burden (Tg) = 0.584, 0.540
(0) SO4 wet depostion (% of sinks) = 86.823, 87.345
(0) SO4 lifetime (d) = 3.700, 4.132
(0) -------------------------------------------------------------
(0) BC total emissions (Tg/yr) = 7.928, 7.929
(0) BC total sources (Tg/yr) = 7.928, 7.929
(0) BC total sink (Tg/yr) = 7.917, 7.924
(0) BC burden (Tg) = 0.108, 0.124
(0) BC wet depostion (% of sinks) = 75.227, 69.623
(0) BC lifetime (d) = 4.983, 5.696
(0) -------------------------------------------------------------
(0) POM total emissions (Tg/yr) = 86.904, 85.633
(0) POM total sources (Tg/yr) = 174.161, 178.476
(0) POM total sink (Tg/yr) = 173.625, 178.121
(0) POM burden (Tg) = 2.438, 2.711
(0) POM wet depostion (% of sinks) = 86.443, 86.066
(0) POM lifetime (d) = 5.125, 5.556
(0) POM chem prod from MSA (Tg/yr) = 9.023, 7.924
(0) POM chem prod (total) (Tg/yr) = 87.259, 92.843
(0) POM chem prod terpenes (Tg /yr) = 78.235, 84.918
(0) -------------------------------------------------------------
(0) SS total emissions (Tg/yr) = 1936.719, 1544.689
(0) SS total sources (Tg/yr) = 1936.719, 1544.689
(0) SS total sink (Tg/yr) = 1935.412, 1546.123
(0) SS burden (Tg) = 5.697, 3.650
(0) SS wet depostion (% of sinks) = 56.355, 60.474
(0) SS lifetime (d) = 1.074, 0.862
(0) -------------------------------------------------------------
(0) DU total emissions (Tg/yr) = 3104.078, 3090.766
(0) DU total sources (Tg/yr) = 3104.078, 3090.766
(0) DU total sink (Tg/yr) = 3103.147, 3091.246
(0) DU burden (Tg) = 16.295, 13.506
(0) DU wet depostion (% of sinks) = 19.290, 18.683
(0) DU lifetime (d) = 1.917, 1.595
(0) -------------------------------------------------------------
Pre-industrial Mass budget numbers for ModI and ModII
(0) Mass budget numbers for model version I (old), II (new)
(0) Note: Values for DMS; SO2 and SO4 are given as Sulfur (S) values
(0) -------------------------------------------------------------
(0) SO2 total emissions (Tg/yr) = 14.565, 14.566
(0) SO2 total sources (Tg/yr) = 45.046, 41.361
(0) SO2 total sink (Tg/yr) = 44.984, 41.300
(0) SO2 burden (Tg) = 0.188, 0.178
(0) SO2 wet depostion (% of sinks) = 28.270, 29.695
(0) SO2 lifetime (d) = 1.529, 1.576
(0) SO2 chemical loss (%) = 53.575, 51.064
(0) SO2 pct of chem loss in clear air (%) = 22.909, 27.222
(0) -------------------------------------------------------------
(0) SO4 total emissions (Tg/yr) = 0.373, 0.373
(0) SO4 total sources (Tg/yr) = 24.489, 21.387
(0) SO4 total sink (Tg/yr) = 24.452, 21.081
(0) SO4 burden (Tg) = 0.232, 0.194
(0) SO4 wet depostion (% of sinks) = 87.275, 89.318
(0) SO4 lifetime (d) = 3.469, 3.354
(0) -------------------------------------------------------------
(0) BC total emissions (Tg/yr) = 3.149, 3.150
(0) BC total sources (Tg/yr) = 3.149, 3.150
(0) BC total sink (Tg/yr) = 3.142, 3.145
(0) BC burden (Tg) = 0.043, 0.046
(0) BC wet depostion (% of sinks) = 78.369, 74.262
(0) BC lifetime (d) = 4.966, 5.372
(0) -------------------------------------------------------------
(0) POM total emissions (Tg/yr) = 61.388, 60.110
(0) POM total sources (Tg/yr) = 153.856, 157.079
(0) POM total sink (Tg/yr) = 153.515, 156.881
(0) POM burden (Tg) = 2.060, 2.332
(0) POM wet depostion (% of sinks) = 87.032, 86.775
(0) POM lifetime (d) = 4.898, 5.425
(0) POM chem prod from MSA (Tg/yr) = 12.100, 10.600
(0) POM chem prod (total) (Tg/yr) = 92.472, 96.972
(0) POM chem prod terpenes (Tg /yr) = 80.372, 86.373
(0) -------------------------------------------------------------
(0) SS total emissions (Tg/yr) = 1936.907, 1543.842
(0) SS total sources (Tg/yr) = 1936.907, 1543.842
(0) SS total sink (Tg/yr) = 1935.615, 1545.288
(0) SS burden (Tg) = 5.677, 3.630
(0) SS wet depostion (% of sinks) = 56.475, 60.427
(0) SS lifetime (d) = 1.071, 0.857
(0) -------------------------------------------------------------
(0) DU total emissions (Tg/yr) = 3135.090, 3110.014
(0) DU total sources (Tg/yr) = 3135.090, 3110.014
(0) DU total sink (Tg/yr) = 3134.154, 3110.456
(0) DU burden (Tg) = 16.436, 13.636
(0) DU wet depostion (% of sinks) = 19.449, 18.794
(0) DU lifetime (d) = 1.914, 1.600
(0) -------------------------------------------------------------