Model version I (left) vs. Model version II (right)
Presenting annual means the following simulations with CAM5-Oslo using version ae6381 (febrary 2017):
ModI & PD simulation info (30 years AMIP run, 2 years spin-up (28 years avg))
ModI & PI simulation info (30 years AMIP run, 2 years spin-up (28 years avg))
ModII & PD simulation info (7 years CAM5-Oslo 2 years spin-up (5 years average) nudged to ERA model meteorology)
ModII & PI simulation info (7 years CAM5-Oslo 2 years spin-up (5 years average) nudged to ERA model meteorology)
Mass budget numbers for ModI and ModII
(0) Mass budget numbers for model version I (old), II (new)
(0) Note: Values for DMS; SO2 and SO4 are given as Sulfur (S) values
(0) -------------------------------------------------------------
(0) SO2 total emissions (Tg/yr) = 65.032, 65.032
(0) SO2 total sources (Tg/yr) = 96.881, 96.553
(0) SO2 total sink (Tg/yr) = 96.772, 96.450
(0) SO2 burden (Tg) = 0.352, 0.357
(0) SO2 wet depostion (% of sinks) = 19.250, 19.345
(0) SO2 lifetime (d) = 1.329, 1.351
(0) SO2 chemical loss (%) = 58.341, 58.200
(0) SO2 pct of chem loss in clear air (%) = 24.377, 25.015
(0) -------------------------------------------------------------
(0) Mass budget numbers for model version I (old), II (new)
(0) Note: Values for DMS; SO2 and SO4 are given as Sulfur (S) values
(0) -------------------------------------------------------------
(0) SO4 total emissions (Tg/yr) = 1.667, 1.667
(0) SO4 total sources (Tg/yr) = 58.175, 57.839
(0) SO4 total sink (Tg/yr) = 57.927, 57.591
(0) SO4 burden (Tg) = 0.579, 0.584
(0) SO4 wet depostion (% of sinks) = 87.139, 86.823
(0) SO4 lifetime (d) = 3.649, 3.700
(0) -------------------------------------------------------------
(0) Mass budget numbers for model version I (old), II (new)
(0) Note: Values for DMS; SO2 and SO4 are given as Sulfur (S) values
(0) -------------------------------------------------------------
(0) BC total emissions (Tg/yr) = 7.928, 7.928
(0) BC total sources (Tg/yr) = 7.928, 7.928
(0) BC total sink (Tg/yr) = 7.914, 7.917
(0) BC burden (Tg) = 0.103, 0.108
(0) BC wet depostion (% of sinks) = 76.524, 75.227
(0) BC lifetime (d) = 4.770, 4.983
(0) -------------------------------------------------------------
(0) Mass budget numbers for model version I (old), II (new)
(0) Note: Values for DMS; SO2 and SO4 are given as Sulfur (S) values
(0) -------------------------------------------------------------
(0) POM total emissions (Tg/yr) = 87.402, 86.904
(0) POM total sources (Tg/yr) = 170.708, 174.161
(0) POM total sink (Tg/yr) = 170.175, 173.625
(0) POM burden (Tg) = 2.258, 2.438
(0) POM wet depostion (% of sinks) = 87.019, 86.443
(0) POM lifetime (d) = 4.844, 5.125
(0) POM chem prod from MSA (Tg/yr) = 9.141, 9.023
(0) POM chem prod (total) (Tg/yr) = 83.308, 87.259
(0) POM chem prod terpenes (Tg /yr) = 74.167, 78.236
(0) -------------------------------------------------------------
(0) Mass budget numbers for model version I (old), II (new)
(0) Note: Values for DMS; SO2 and SO4 are given as Sulfur (S) values
(0) -------------------------------------------------------------
(0) SS total emissions (Tg/yr) = 2002.932, 1936.719
(0) SS total sources (Tg/yr) = 2002.932, 1936.719
(0) SS total sink (Tg/yr) = 2001.864, 1935.412
(0) SS burden (Tg) = 5.719, 5.697
(0) SS wet depostion (% of sinks) = 56.747, 56.355
(0) SS lifetime (d) = 1.043, 1.074
(0) -------------------------------------------------------------
(0) Mass budget numbers for model version I (old), II (new)
(0) Note: Values for DMS; SO2 and SO4 are given as Sulfur (S) values
(0) -------------------------------------------------------------
(0) DU total emissions (Tg/yr) = 2508.542, 3104.078
(0) DU total sources (Tg/yr) = 2508.542, 3104.078
(0) DU total sink (Tg/yr) = 2508.277, 3103.147
(0) DU burden (Tg) = 13.291, 16.295
(0) DU wet depostion (% of sinks) = 19.254, 19.290
(0) DU lifetime (d) = 1.934, 1.917
(0) -------------------------------------------------------------