Model version I (left) vs. Model version II (right)

Presenting annual means from the following simulations:

Both ModI and ModII are featureCAM5-OsloDevelopment_trunk2.0-6 set up with MG1.5, CLM4.5, and online DMS/POM,

compset NUDGEPTAEROUPD1, commit e9f81f49a2a2caa06f83e3217bdbdd895b774885.

ModI (years 5-7) has been rund with nudging, while ModII (years 3-12) has not, i.e., free running.

ModI PD: CAM5-Oslo, 2000 emissions, 4 years spin-up, nudged to CAM5 model meteorology.

ModI PI: CAM5-Oslo, 1850 emissions, 4 years spin-up, nudged to CAM5 model meteorology.

ModII PD: CAM5-Oslo, 2000 emissions, 2 years spin-up.

ModII PI: CAM5-Oslo, 1850 emissions, 2 years spin-up.

Known bugs/shortcomings:

* OM/OC ratio is 1.4 always, should be 2.6 for biomass burning

* Condensation/coagulation sink is function of dry size


Zonally averaged mass mixing ratios


Effective dry aerosol radii

Particular Matter (PM) concentrations (CAM5-Oslo vs. CAM5-Oslo only)

Wet to total deposition ratios


RH, cloud properties and precipitation

Cloud droplet properties

Angstrom coefficient, aerosol optical depth, SSA and G

Aerosol optical depth for each species

Mass extinction coefficients for each species

Anthropogenic (PD - PI) aerosol and cloud/RH fields

Radiative forcings at top of the atmosphere

Radiative fluxes at top of the atmosphere

Mass budget numbers for ModI and ModII

(0)	Mass budget numbers for model version      I (old), II (new)
(0)	Note: Values for DMS; SO2 and SO4 are given as Sulfur (S) values
(0)	-------------------------------------------------------------
(0)	SO2 total emissions   (Tg/yr)             = 65.032, 65.032
(0)	SO2 total sources     (Tg/yr)             = 98.674, 96.962
(0)	SO2 total sink        (Tg/yr)             = 98.539, 96.863
(0)	SO2 burden            (Tg)                = 0.363, 0.346
(0)	SO2 wet depostion     (% of sinks)        = 19.375, 18.523
(0)	SO2 lifetime          (d)                 = 1.343, 1.304
(0)	SO2 chemical loss     (%)                 = 55.941, 59.361
(0)	SO2 pct of chem loss in clear air (%)     = 25.689, 23.477
(0)	-------------------------------------------------------------
(0)	SO4 total emissions   (Tg/yr)             = 1.667, 1.667
(0)	SO4 total sources     (Tg/yr)             = 56.834, 59.177
(0)	SO4 total sink        (Tg/yr)             = 56.650, 58.884
(0)	SO4 burden            (Tg)                = 0.555, 0.592
(0)	SO4 wet depostion     (% of sinks)        = 82.578, 83.306
(0)	SO4 lifetime          (d)                 = 3.579, 3.670
(0)	-------------------------------------------------------------
(0)	BC total emissions   (Tg/yr)              = 7.928, 7.928
(0)	BC total sources     (Tg/yr)              = 7.928, 7.928
(0)	BC total sink        (Tg/yr)              = 7.921, 7.915
(0)	BC burden            (Tg)                 = 0.099, 0.105
(0)	BC wet depostion     (% of sinks)         = 70.038, 73.628
(0)	BC lifetime          (d)                  = 4.541, 4.845
(0)	-------------------------------------------------------------
(0)	POM total emissions   (Tg/yr)             = 59.710, 58.674
(0)	POM total sources     (Tg/yr)             = 141.869, 142.660
(0)	POM total sink        (Tg/yr)             = 141.612, 142.306
(0)	POM burden            (Tg)                = 1.747, 1.911
(0)	POM wet depostion     (% of sinks)        = 81.272, 83.346
(0)	POM lifetime          (d)                 = 4.502, 4.902
(0)	POM chem prod from MSA (Tg/yr)            = 9.649, 9.176
(0)	POM chem prod (total) (Tg/yr)             = 82.162, 83.988
(0)	POM chem prod terpenes (Tg /yr)           = 72.513, 74.812
(0)	-------------------------------------------------------------
(0)	SS total emissions   (Tg/yr)              = 2229.340, 2000.790
(0)	SS total sources     (Tg/yr)              = 2229.340, 2000.790
(0)	SS total sink        (Tg/yr)              = 2228.199, 1999.737
(0)	SS burden            (Tg)                 = 5.498, 5.706
(0)	SS wet depostion     (% of sinks)         = 55.258, 56.650
(0)	SS lifetime          (d)                  = 0.901, 1.042
(0)	-------------------------------------------------------------
(0)	DU total emissions   (Tg/yr)              = 4264.953, 2364.055
(0)	DU total sources     (Tg/yr)              = 4264.953, 2364.055
(0)	DU total sink        (Tg/yr)              = 4262.744, 2363.823
(0)	DU burden            (Tg)                 = 20.605, 12.885
(0)	DU wet depostion     (% of sinks)         = 19.216, 18.430
(0)	DU lifetime          (d)                  = 1.764, 1.990
(0)	-------------------------------------------------------------