Model version I (left) vs. Model version II (right)
Presenting annual means (from monthly climatological means) from featureCESM2-OsloDevelopment simulations with the following casenames:
ModI = NF2000climo_f09_f09_mg17_vljGT04c and NF2000climo_f09_f09_mg17_vljGT04_emiPI
ModII = NF2000climo_f19_f19_mg17_vljGT05c and NF2000climo_f19_f19_mg17_vljGT05_emiPI
Both ModI and ModII are with
MG2, CLM5, online DMS/POM, CMIP6 emissions and PD oxidants for PI, using the Neu gas deposition scheme.
ModI is on 1 degree and ModII on 2 degree atmospheric resolution
ModI PD: CAM6-Oslo, ca. (running averages) 2000 emissions (PD oxidants), 5 years spin-up, showing years 6-10
ModI PI: CAM6-Oslo, ca. (running averages) 1850 emissions (PD oxidants), 5 years spin-up, showing years 6-10
ModII PD: CAM6-Oslo, ca. (running averages) 2000 emissions (PD oxidants), 5 month spin-up, showing month 6-10
ModII PI: CAM6-Oslo, ca. (running averages) 1850 emissions (PD oxidants), 5 years spin-up, showing years 6-10
(Updated July 26'th, 2018)
Present-day Mass budget numbers for ModI and ModII
(0) DMS total emissions (Tg/yr) = 31.399, 29.996
(0) DMS total sources (Tg/yr) = 31.399, 29.996
(0) DMS total sink (Tg/yr) = 31.663, 30.252
(0) DMS burden (Tg) = 0.076, 0.073
(0) DMS lifetime (d) = 0.874, 0.881
(0) DMS chemical loss (%) = 99.974, 99.974
(0) DMS pct of chem. loss to MSA (%) = 7.769, 7.721
(0) -------------------------------------------------------------
(0) SO2 total emissions (Tg/yr) = 71.389, 71.389
(0) SO2 total sources (Tg/yr) = 100.585, 99.299
(0) SO2 total sink (Tg/yr) = 100.394, 99.068
(0) SO2 burden (Tg) = 0.405, 0.399
(0) SO2 wet depostion (% of sinks) = 18.183, 19.363
(0) SO2 lifetime (d) = 1.472, 1.469
(0) SO2 chemical loss (%) = 46.809, 44.989
(0) SO2 pct of chem loss in clear air (%) = 35.516, 36.959
(0) -------------------------------------------------------------
(0) SO4 total emissions (Tg/yr) = 1.830, 1.830
(0) SO4 total sources (Tg/yr) = 48.535, 46.108
(0) SO4 total sink (Tg/yr) = 48.071, 45.534
(0) SO4 burden (Tg) = 0.488, 0.446
(0) SO4 wet depostion (% of sinks) = 88.078, 88.671
(0) SO4 lifetime (d) = 3.704, 3.578
(0) -------------------------------------------------------------
(0) BC total emissions (Tg/yr) = 8.088, 8.088
(0) BC total sources (Tg/yr) = 8.088, 8.088
(0) BC total sink (Tg/yr) = 8.080, 8.079
(0) BC burden (Tg) = 0.116, 0.111
(0) BC wet depostion (% of sinks) = 74.456, 74.604
(0) BC lifetime (d) = 5.227, 5.029
(0) -------------------------------------------------------------
(0) POM total emissions (Tg/yr) = 72.776, 71.786
(0) POM total sources (Tg/yr) = 164.616, 164.354
(0) POM total sink (Tg/yr) = 164.358, 164.076
(0) POM burden (Tg) = 2.351, 2.227
(0) POM wet depostion (% of sinks) = 86.528, 86.356
(0) POM lifetime (d) = 5.222, 4.954
(0) POM chem prod from MSA (Tg/yr) = 7.377, 7.005
(0) POM chem prod (total) (Tg/yr) = 91.841, 92.568
(0) POM chem prod terpenes (Tg /yr) = 84.464, 85.563
(0) -------------------------------------------------------------
(0) SS total emissions (Tg/yr) = 1618.983, 1469.615
(0) SS total sources (Tg/yr) = 1618.983, 1469.615
(0) SS total sink (Tg/yr) = 1619.880, 1470.316
(0) SS burden (Tg) = 4.060, 3.554
(0) SS wet depostion (% of sinks) = 61.565, 62.977
(0) SS lifetime (d) = 0.915, 0.882
(0) -------------------------------------------------------------
(0) DU total emissions (Tg/yr) = 1902.059, 1757.095
(0) DU total sources (Tg/yr) = 1902.059, 1757.095
(0) DU total sink (Tg/yr) = 1902.753, 1758.045
(0) DU burden (Tg) = 8.735, 8.262
(0) DU wet depostion (% of sinks) = 18.351, 18.639
(0) DU lifetime (d) = 1.676, 1.715
(0) -------------------------------------------------------------
Preindustrial Mass budget numbers for ModI and ModII