Model version I (left) vs. Model version II (right)
Presenting annual means (from monthly climatological means) from simulations with the following casenames:
ModI = piClim-lu2deg and NF1850norbc_f19_20190727 (piClim-control)
ModII = NF1850norbc_aer2014_f19_20190727 (piClim-aer) and NF1850norbc_f19_20190727 (piClim-control)
MG2, CLM5, Eul gas deposition scheme, and both using CMIP6 emissions and PD oxidants for PI.
ModI PD: CAM6-Oslo, 2014 emissions (PI oxidants), 2 years spin-up, showing years 3-30 (2 deg. resolution)
ModI PI: CAM6-Oslo, 1850 emissions (PI oxidants), 2 years spin-up, showing years 3-30 (2 deg. resolution)
ModII PD: CAM6-Oslo, 2014 emissions (PI oxidants), 2 years spin-up, showing years 3-30 (2 deg. resolution)
ModII PI: CAM6-Oslo, 1850 emissions (PI oxidants), 2 years spin-up, showing years 3-30 (2 deg. resolution)
Emissions and 2m wind speed (PD) |
Zonally averaged mass mixing ratios (PD) |
Zonally averaged mode parameters (PD) |
Burdens (PD) |
Effective dry aerosol radii (PD) |
Particular Matter (PM) concentrations (CAM5/6-Oslo vs. CAM5/6-Oslo only) (PD and PD-PI) |
Wet to total deposition ratios (PD) |
Lifetimes (PD) |
RH, cloud properties and precipitation (PD) |
Cloud droplet properties (PD) |
Cloud properties at specific model levels (PD) |
Gross aerosol optical properties (PD) |
Aerosol optical depth for each species (PD) |
Mass extinction coefficients for each species (PD, and some PD-PI: labled anthropogenic) |
Anthropogenic (PD - PI) aerosol and cloud/RH fields |
Radiative forcings at top of the atmosphere (PD - PI) |
MACv2-SP instantaneous radiative forcing, if calculated (PD - PI) |
Radiative fluxes at top of the atmosphere (PD) |
All-sky and clear-sky surface albedos (PD and PD-PI) |
(0) Mass budget numbers for model version I (old), II (new) (0) Note: Values for DMS; SO2 and SO4 are given as Sulfur (S) values (0) ------------------------------------------------------------- (0) DMS total emissions (Tg/yr) = 18.683, 18.678 (0) DMS total sources (Tg/yr) = 18.683, 18.678 (0) DMS total sink (Tg/yr) = 18.870, 18.865 (0) DMS burden (Tg) = 0.066, 0.066 (0) DMS lifetime (d) = 1.268, 1.268 (0) DMS chemical loss (%) = 99.974, 99.974 (0) DMS pct of chem. loss to MSA (%) = 10.002, 9.998 (0) ------------------------------------------------------------- (0) SO2 total emissions (Tg/yr) = 16.515, 70.164 (0) SO2 total sources (Tg/yr) = 33.493, 87.139 (0) SO2 total sink (Tg/yr) = 33.365, 86.933 (0) SO2 burden (Tg) = 0.132, 0.394 (0) SO2 wet depostion (% of sinks) = 18.935, 23.158 (0) SO2 lifetime (d) = 1.443, 1.655 (0) SO2 chemical loss (%) = 48.547, 44.192 (0) SO2 pct of chem loss in clear air (%) = 28.085, 38.559 (0) ------------------------------------------------------------- (0) SO4 total emissions (Tg/yr) = 0.423, 1.798 (0) SO4 total sources (Tg/yr) = 16.535, 39.915 (0) SO4 total sink (Tg/yr) = 16.244, 39.574 (0) SO4 burden (Tg) = 0.178, 0.534 (0) SO4 wet depostion (% of sinks) = 89.107, 87.787 (0) SO4 lifetime (d) = 4.002, 4.924 (0) ------------------------------------------------------------- (0) BC total emissions (Tg/yr) = 2.580, 9.785 (0) BC total sources (Tg/yr) = 2.580, 9.785 (0) BC total sink (Tg/yr) = 2.577, 9.779 (0) BC burden (Tg) = 0.042, 0.158 (0) BC wet depostion (% of sinks) = 74.953, 71.814 (0) BC lifetime (d) = 5.987, 5.889 (0) ------------------------------------------------------------- (0) POM total emissions (Tg/yr) = 56.569, 84.760 (0) POM total sources (Tg/yr) = 132.856, 172.395 (0) POM total sink (Tg/yr) = 132.732, 172.164 (0) POM burden (Tg) = 1.919, 2.546 (0) POM wet depostion (% of sinks) = 84.680, 83.964 (0) POM lifetime (d) = 5.278, 5.398 (0) POM chem prod from MSA (Tg/yr) = 5.661, 5.657 (0) POM chem prod (total) (Tg/yr) = 76.288, 87.635 (0) POM chem prod terpenes (Tg /yr) = 70.627, 81.978 (0) ------------------------------------------------------------- (0) SS total emissions (Tg/yr) = 3665.744, 3666.251 (0) SS total sources (Tg/yr) = 3665.744, 3666.251 (0) SS total sink (Tg/yr) = 3667.576, 3668.068 (0) SS burden (Tg) = 10.184, 10.204 (0) SS wet depostion (% of sinks) = 61.877, 61.758 (0) SS lifetime (d) = 1.014, 1.015 (0) ------------------------------------------------------------- (0) DU total emissions (Tg/yr) = 1705.100, 1641.348 (0) DU total sources (Tg/yr) = 1705.100, 1641.348 (0) DU total sink (Tg/yr) = 1705.732, 1641.955 (0) DU burden (Tg) = 8.773, 8.642 (0) DU wet depostion (% of sinks) = 17.180, 16.553 (0) DU lifetime (d) = 1.877, 1.921 (0) -------------------------------------------------------------
(0) Mass budget numbers for model version I (old), II (new) (0) Note: Values for DMS; SO2 and SO4 are given as Sulfur (S) values (0) ------------------------------------------------------------- (0) DMS total emissions (Tg/yr) = 18.782, 18.782 (0) DMS total sources (Tg/yr) = 18.782, 18.782 (0) DMS total sink (Tg/yr) = 18.969, 18.969 (0) DMS burden (Tg) = 0.066, 0.066 (0) DMS lifetime (d) = 1.270, 1.270 (0) DMS chemical loss (%) = 99.974, 99.974 (0) DMS pct of chem. loss to MSA (%) = 10.010, 10.010 (0) ------------------------------------------------------------- (0) SO2 total emissions (Tg/yr) = 16.515, 16.515 (0) SO2 total sources (Tg/yr) = 33.581, 33.581 (0) SO2 total sink (Tg/yr) = 33.453, 33.453 (0) SO2 burden (Tg) = 0.132, 0.132 (0) SO2 wet depostion (% of sinks) = 18.853, 18.853 (0) SO2 lifetime (d) = 1.437, 1.437 (0) SO2 chemical loss (%) = 48.602, 48.602 (0) SO2 pct of chem loss in clear air (%) = 27.938, 27.938 (0) ------------------------------------------------------------- (0) SO4 total emissions (Tg/yr) = 0.423, 0.423 (0) SO4 total sources (Tg/yr) = 16.594, 16.594 (0) SO4 total sink (Tg/yr) = 16.307, 16.307 (0) SO4 burden (Tg) = 0.178, 0.178 (0) SO4 wet depostion (% of sinks) = 89.080, 89.080 (0) SO4 lifetime (d) = 3.982, 3.982 (0) ------------------------------------------------------------- (0) BC total emissions (Tg/yr) = 2.580, 2.580 (0) BC total sources (Tg/yr) = 2.580, 2.580 (0) BC total sink (Tg/yr) = 2.576, 2.576 (0) BC burden (Tg) = 0.042, 0.042 (0) BC wet depostion (% of sinks) = 74.731, 74.731 (0) BC lifetime (d) = 5.948, 5.948 (0) ------------------------------------------------------------- (0) POM total emissions (Tg/yr) = 56.632, 56.632 (0) POM total sources (Tg/yr) = 146.244, 146.244 (0) POM total sink (Tg/yr) = 146.101, 146.101 (0) POM burden (Tg) = 2.122, 2.122 (0) POM wet depostion (% of sinks) = 84.705, 84.705 (0) POM lifetime (d) = 5.301, 5.301 (0) POM chem prod from MSA (Tg/yr) = 5.695, 5.695 (0) POM chem prod (total) (Tg/yr) = 89.613, 89.613 (0) POM chem prod terpenes (Tg /yr) = 83.917, 83.917 (0) ------------------------------------------------------------- (0) SS total emissions (Tg/yr) = 3693.599, 3693.599 (0) SS total sources (Tg/yr) = 3693.599, 3693.599 (0) SS total sink (Tg/yr) = 3695.419, 3695.419 (0) SS burden (Tg) = 10.222, 10.222 (0) SS wet depostion (% of sinks) = 61.753, 61.753 (0) SS lifetime (d) = 1.010, 1.010 (0) ------------------------------------------------------------- (0) DU total emissions (Tg/yr) = 1651.093, 1651.093 (0) DU total sources (Tg/yr) = 1651.093, 1651.093 (0) DU total sink (Tg/yr) = 1651.685, 1651.685 (0) DU burden (Tg) = 8.693, 8.693 (0) DU wet depostion (% of sinks) = 16.849, 16.849 (0) DU lifetime (d) = 1.921, 1.921 (0) -------------------------------------------------------------