Model version I (left) vs. Model version II (right)

Presenting annual means (from monthly climatological means) from simulations with the following casenames:

ModI = NF2koptice4g288 and NFpioptice4g288
ModII = NF2kio4dmszm and NF2kio4dmszm

Both ModI and ModII are both noresm-dev
MG2, CLM5, online DMS/POM, with Eul gas deposition scheme, and both using PD oxidants for PI.

ModI & II both use CMIP6 emissions, but different tunings and choice of processes.
ModI and ModII both use cldfrc_iceopt=4, but ModII uses zmoist_conv.F90 instead of zm_conv.F90,
as well as new optics (refractive indices) for mineral dust.

Both are otherwise as the commit 46a9911a3378995f1539d115709dae763bb4b014 from December 20. 2018.

ModI PD: CAM6-Oslo, 2000 emissions (PD oxidants), 1 year spin-up, showing years 2-4 (1 deg. resolution)

ModI PI: CAM6-Oslo, 1850 emissions (PD oxidants), 1 year spin-up, showing years 2-4 (1 deg. resolution)

ModII PD: CAM6-Oslo, 2000 emissions (PD oxidants), 1 year spin-up, showing year 2-3 (1 deg. resolution)

ModII PI: CAM6-Oslo, 1850 emissions (PD oxidants), 1 year spin-up, showing year 2-3 (1 deg. resolution)

(Updated Fberuary 4'th, 2019)

Emissions and 2m wind speed

Zonally averaged mass mixing ratios

Zonally averaged mode parameters


Effective dry aerosol radii

Particular Matter (PM) concentrations (CAM5/6-Oslo vs. CAM5/6-Oslo only)

Wet to total deposition ratios


RH, cloud properties and precipitation

Cloud droplet properties

Cloud properties at specific model levels

Gross aerosol optical properties

Aerosol optical depth for each species

Mass extinction coefficients for each species

Anthropogenic (PD - PI) aerosol and cloud/RH fields

Radiative forcings at top of the atmosphere

Radiative fluxes at top of the atmosphere

Present-day Mass budget numbers for ModI and ModII

(0)	Mass budget numbers for model version      I (old), II (new)
(0)	Note: Values for DMS; SO2 and SO4 are given as Sulfur (S) values
(0)	-------------------------------------------------------------
0)	-------------------------------------------------------------

Preindustrial Mass budget numbers for ModI and ModII

(0)	Mass budget numbers for model version      I (old), II (new)
(0)	Note: Values for DMS; SO2 and SO4 are given as Sulfur (S) values
(0)	-------------------------------------------------------------
(0)	-------------------------------------------------------------