EOF summary scatter plots
The scatter plots below provide an overview of the changes in the
trends for the first and second EOFs computed for bandpass-filtered
PSL for the NH and NH west domains, the surface heat flux (HFLUX) for
the Arctic, sea level pressure (PSL) for the Arctic and NH, surface
temperature for the Arctic and NH, and U250 for the NH.
Note that changes in the trends are relative to the baseline
(e.g. with the CMIP6 trends subtracted) and shown in percent.
In cases where the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the trends are below
1, the values are simply shown as a black small dot. When the SNR is 1
or more, the values are shown as different colored and shaped markers:
cloud2: red open circle
eddy: blue open square
iceSheet3: green upward-pointing triangle
snow: purple downward-pointing triangle
ozone: orange diamond
piAerOxid: brown filled left-pointing triangle
The trends are computed for years 2000-2100. The sinal-to-noise ratio
is defined as the ratio between the trend (2000-2100) and the variance
for the historical period (1900-2000).