Set 7


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DIAG Set 7 - Polar contour plots of DJF, MAM, JJA, SON and ANN means

Surface Variables

Northern Hemisphere DJF MAM JJA SON ANN
ALBSURF Albedo at surface plot plot plot plot plot
PS Surface pressure plot plot plot plot plot
PSL Sea level pressure plot plot plot plot plot
SURF WIND Near surface wind plot plot plot plot plot
TS Surface temperature plot plot plot plot plot

Southern Hemisphere

ALBSURF Albedo at surface plot plot plot plot plot
PS Surface pressure plot plot plot plot plot
PSL Sea level pressure plot plot plot plot plot
SURF WIND Near surface wind plot plot plot plot plot
TS Surface temperature plot plot plot plot plot

Constant Pressure Levels

Northern Hemisphere DJF MAM JJA SON ANN
Z 500 500 mb geopotential height plot plot plot plot plot

Southern Hemisphere

Z 500 500 mb geopotential height plot plot plot plot plot

Hydrologic Cycle

Northern Hemisphere DJF MAM JJA SON ANN
PRECT Precipitation rate plot plot plot plot plot
PRECST Snowfall rate plot plot plot plot plot
ICEFRAC Sea-ice concentration plot plot plot plot plot
SNOWH Snow depth water equivalent plot plot plot plot plot
SNOWHICE Snow depth water equivalent plot plot plot plot plot
SNOWHLND Snow depth water equivalent plot plot plot plot plot

Southern Hemisphere

PRECT Precipitation rate plot plot plot plot plot
PRECST Snowfall rate plot plot plot plot plot
ICEFRAC Sea-ice concentration plot plot plot plot plot
SNOWH Snow depth water equivalent plot plot plot plot plot
SNOWHICE Snow depth water equivalent plot plot plot plot plot
SNOWHLND Snow depth water equivalent plot plot plot plot plot

Surface Energy Fluxes

Northern Hemisphere DJF MAM JJA SON ANN
FLDS Longwave downwelling flux plot plot plot plot plot
FLDSC Clearsky LW downwelling flux plot plot plot plot plot
FLNS Net longwave flux plot plot plot plot plot
FLNSC Clearsky Net longwave flux plot plot plot plot plot
FSDS Shortwave downwelling flux plot plot plot plot plot
FSDSC Clearsky SW downwelling flux plot plot plot plot plot
FSNS Net shortwave flux plot plot plot plot plot
FSNSC Clearsky net shortwave flux plot plot plot plot plot

Southern Hemisphere

FLDS Longwave downwelling flux plot plot plot plot plot
FLDSC Clearsky LW downwelling flux plot plot plot plot plot
FLNS Net longwave flux plot plot plot plot plot
FLNSC Clearsky Net longwave flux plot plot plot plot plot
FSDS Shortwave downwelling flux plot plot plot plot plot
FSDSC Clearsky SW downwelling flux plot plot plot plot plot
FSNS Net shortwave flux plot plot plot plot plot
FSNSC Clearsky net shortwave flux plot plot plot plot plot

Top of Model Energy Fluxes

Northern Hemisphere DJF MAM JJA SON ANN
ALBEDO TOA albedo plot plot plot plot plot
ALBEDOC TOA clearsky albedo plot plot plot plot plot
FLNT Net longwave flux plot plot plot plot plot
FSNT Net shortwave flux plot plot plot plot plot

Southern Hemisphere

ALBEDO TOA albedo plot plot plot plot plot
ALBEDOC TOA clearsky albedo plot plot plot plot plot
FLNT Net longwave flux plot plot plot plot plot
FSNT Net shortwave flux plot plot plot plot plot

Cloud Variables

Northern Hemisphere DJF MAM JJA SON ANN
CLDHGH High-level cloud cover plot plot plot plot plot
CLDLOW Low-level cloud cover plot plot plot plot plot
CLDMED Mid-level cloud cover plot plot plot plot plot
CLDTOT Total cloud cover plot plot plot plot plot
TGCLDIWP Total grid-box cloud liquid water path (ice) plot plot plot plot plot
TGCLDLWP Total grid-box cloud liquid water path (liquid) plot plot plot plot plot

Southern Hemisphere

CLDHGH High-level cloud cover plot plot plot plot plot
CLDLOW Low-level cloud cover plot plot plot plot plot
CLDMED Mid-level cloud cover plot plot plot plot plot
CLDTOT Total cloud cover plot plot plot plot plot
TGCLDIWP Total grid-box cloud liquid water path (ice) plot plot plot plot plot
TGCLDLWP Total grid-box cloud liquid water path (liquid) plot plot plot plot plot

CFMIP Observation Simulator Package (COSP)


Northern Hemisphere DJF MAM JJA SON ANN
CLDTOT_CAL Total cloud amount plot plot plot plot plot
CLDLOW_CAL_NP Low-level cloud amount plot plot plot plot plot
CLDMED_CAL_NP Mid-level cloud amount plot plot plot plot plot
CLDHGH_CAL_NP High-level cloud amount plot plot plot plot plot

Southern Hemisphere DJF MAM JJA SON ANN
CLDTOT_CAL Total cloud amount plot plot plot plot plot
CLDLOW_CAL_SP Low-level cloud amount plot plot plot plot plot
CLDMED_CAL_SP Mid-level cloud amount plot plot plot plot plot
CLDHGH_CAL_SP High-level cloud amount plot plot plot plot plot

CLOUDSAT-COSP From Level 2 GEOPROF Jun2006-Nov2010

Northern Hemisphere DJF MAM JJA SON ANN
CLDTOT_CS2 Total cloud amount plot plot plot plot plot

Southern Hemisphere DJF MAM JJA SON ANN
CLDTOT_CS2 Total cloud amount plot plot plot plot plot