Model version I (left) vs. Model version II (right). CAM6-Oslo based on CESM2-beta05. Nudged to ERA (2010-2014). CAM6-Oslo commit (master: d94044fc9092)

Presenting annual means from the following simulations:

ModI & PD simulation info (CAM4-Oslo revision I: 2000 emissions, AEROCOMCTRL)

ModI & PI simulation info (CAM4-Oslo revision I: 1850 emissions, AEROCOMCTRL)

ModII & PD simulation info (CAM6-Oslo: 2000 emissions, 1 years spin-up, 3 years avg nudged to ERA model meteorology)

ModII & PI simulation info (CAM6-Oslo: 1850 emissions, 1 years spin-up, 3 years avg nudged to ERA model meteorology)

Known bugs/shortcomings:


Zonally averaged mass mixing ratios

Zonally averaged mode parameters


Effective dry aerosol radii

Particular Matter (PM) concentrations (CAM5-Oslo vs. CAM5-Oslo only)

Wet to total deposition ratios


RH and cloud properties

Cloud droplet properties

Angstrom coefficient, aerosol optical depth, SSA and G

Aerosol optical depth for each species

Mass extinction coefficients for each species

Anthropogenic (PD - PI) aerosol and cloud fields

Radiative forcings at top of the atmosphere

Radiative fluxes at top of the atmosphere

Mass budget numbers for ModI and ModII

(0)	Mass budget numbers for model version      I (old), II (new)
(0)	Note: Values for DMS; SO2 and SO4 are given as Sulfur (S) values
(0)	-------------------------------------------------------------
(0)	SO2 total emissions   (Tg/yr)             = 66.306, 11.697
(0)	SO2 total sources     (Tg/yr)             = 79.529, 39.682
(0)	SO2 total sink        (Tg/yr)             = 79.711, 39.589
(0)	SO2 burden            (Tg)                = 0.242, 0.395
(0)	SO2 wet deposition     (% of sinks)        = 7.904, 61.083
(0)	SO2 lifetime          (d)                 = 1.106, 3.644
(0)	SO2 chemical loss     (%)                 = 69.112, -15.975
(0)	SO2 pct of chem loss in clear air (%)    = 15.447, 573.759
(0)	-------------------------------------------------------------
(0)	Mass budget numbers for model version      I (old), II (new)
(0)	Note: Values for DMS; SO2 and SO4 are given as Sulfur (S) values
(0)	-------------------------------------------------------------
(0)	SO4 total emissions   (Tg/yr)             = 1.700, 0.300
(0)	SO4 total sources     (Tg/yr)             = 56.790, 47.241
(0)	SO4 total sink        (Tg/yr)             = 57.045, 48.019
(0)	SO4 burden            (Tg)                = 0.594, 0.548
(0)	SO4 wet deposition     (% of sinks)        = 91.589, 87.350
(0)	SO4 lifetime          (d)                 = 3.799, 4.162
(0)	-------------------------------------------------------------
(0)	Mass budget numbers for model version      I (old), II (new)
(0)	Note: Values for DMS; SO2 and SO4 are given as Sulfur (S) values
(0)	-------------------------------------------------------------
(0)	BC total emissions   (Tg/yr)             = 7.702, 5.310
(0)	BC total sources     (Tg/yr)             = 7.702, 5.310
(0)	BC total sink        (Tg/yr)             = 7.762, 7.924
(0)	BC burden            (Tg)                = 0.173, 0.122
(0)	BC wet deposition     (% of sinks)        = 71.859, 69.673
(0)	BC lifetime          (d)                 = 8.115, 5.633
(0)	-------------------------------------------------------------
(0)	Mass budget numbers for model version      I (old), II (new)
(0)	Note: Values for DMS; SO2 and SO4 are given as Sulfur (S) values
(0)	-------------------------------------------------------------
(0)	POM total emissions   (Tg/yr)             = 122.189, 25.114
(0)	POM total sources     (Tg/yr)             = 136.955, 120.304
(0)	POM total sink        (Tg/yr)             = 138.105, 180.554
(0)	POM burden            (Tg)                = 2.866, 2.773
(0)	POM wet deposition     (% of sinks)        = 78.640, 86.113
(0)	POM lifetime          (d)                 = 7.576, 5.607
(0)	POM chem prod from MSA (Tg/yr)            = 14.766, 8.005
(0)	POM chem prod (total) (Tg/yr)             = 0.000, 95.189
(0)	POM chem prod terpenes (Tg /yr)           = -0.000, 87.184
(0)	-------------------------------------------------------------
(0)	Mass budget numbers for model version      I (old), II (new)
(0)	Note: Values for DMS; SO2 and SO4 are given as Sulfur (S) values
(0)	-------------------------------------------------------------
(0)	SS total emissions   (Tg/yr)             = 6462.270, 1545.031
(0)	SS total sources     (Tg/yr)             = 6462.270, 1545.031
(0)	SS total sink        (Tg/yr)             = 6511.686, 1546.295
(0)	SS burden            (Tg)                = 4.943, 3.652
(0)	SS wet deposition     (% of sinks)        = 45.435, 60.460
(0)	SS lifetime          (d)                 = 0.277, 0.862
(0)	-------------------------------------------------------------
(0)	Mass budget numbers for model version      I (old), II (new)
(0)	Note: Values for DMS; SO2 and SO4 are given as Sulfur (S) values
(0)	-------------------------------------------------------------
(0)	DU total emissions   (Tg/yr)             = 1671.726, 3122.248
(0)	DU total sources     (Tg/yr)             = 1671.726, 3122.248
(0)	DU total sink        (Tg/yr)             = 1679.987, 3123.446
(0)	DU burden            (Tg)                = 11.728, 13.436
(0)	DU wet deposition     (% of sinks)        = 25.178, 18.709
(0)	DU lifetime          (d)                 = 2.548, 1.570
(0)	-------------------------------------------------------------